


Coin finds in Bulgaria for half a century: 1910–1959

The article presents a research on the chronological distribution of coins, excavated in Bulgaria and published in the Proceedings of the (Bulgarian) Archaeological Society (PAS) during the period 1910–1920 and in the Proceedings of the (Bulgarian) Archaeological Institute (PAI) during the period 1921–1959.


Fund og Fortidsminder

Fund og fortidsminder er et nationalt register over fortidsminder, og steder, hvor museerne har gjort arkaeologiske fund. Registret indeholder både fortidsminder, som er synlige i landskabet, og fortidsminder, der ligger skjult under jorden, og kun er kendt fra arkaeologiske undersøgelser.


Fundmünzen der Antike (FdA)

Im Projekt, das zunächst von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft getragen wurde und seit 1986 in der Obhut der Akademie ist, wird eine neue historische Quelle herausgegeben und ausgewertet: die antike Münze als Wertmesser, als Zahlungsmittel und als Trägerin des Geldumlaufs. Ziel ist, neues Wissen über das Verhalten des Nutzers des gemünzten Geldes angesichts von finanzpolitischen Massnahmen der jeweiligen Obrigkeit zu gewinnen und die Rolle der Münze in Geschichte und Kultur ihrer Zeit schrittweise immer besser kennenzulernen. Angesichts des Untersuchungsgebietes und des -zeitraumes – es geht immerhin um den gesamten antiken Mittelmeerraum vom 7. Jh. v. bis zum 9. Jh. n. Chr. (im Ostmediterraneum kommen mit der byzantinischen Periode noch etwa 5 weitere Jahrhunderte hinzu) –, steht die intensive internationale Zusammenarbeit im Vordergrund, die sich in den Publikationen bestens widerspiegelt.


Roman Imperial Coin Hoards (RICH)

RICH is a bibliography of coin hoards from the Roman Imperial period. It was originally assembled by Michael Crawford in continuation of his book Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic. In cooperation with Fundmünzen der Antike.

Early Medieval Coin Finds (EMC)

A project to gather together into a single database all of the single finds of coins minted 410–1180 found in the British Isles. There are several thousand such coins, mostly Anglo-Saxon and Norman, but with a smattering of Frankish, Byzantine, even Arabic, and hundreds more are found every year. The EMC is the first attempt to collect all of the coins from the whole period (many of them previously unpublished) and present them in an easily accessible and searchable form. It is based at the Fitzwilliam Museum, and funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

Checklist of Coin Hoards from the British Isles

This is a revised and extended version of the article by Mark Blackburn and Hugh Pagan, A revised check-list of coin hoards from the British Isles, c. 500–1100, in Anglo-Saxon Monetary History, ed. M. A. S. Blackburn (Leicester, 1986), pp. 291–313. This was itself a revision of a hoard listing by Michael Dolley published in 1966, which was based upon Thompson's Inventory (1956). The present web version includes a number of corrections to entries in the previous versions, plus over 150 new hoards.

Oxford Celtic Coin Index (CCI)

The Celtic Coin Index was created in 1960 by Professor Sheppard Frere and Derek Allen. They started to collect photographs and information on the Celtic coins held in Britain's museums, creating an index card for each coin. By the end of the 1960s some 8000 coins had been recorded in this way. Up until then Allen and Frere had been able to keep pace with new discoveries, but the developments in metal-detecting from the early 1970s left the Index far behind. The very poor relationships between the archaeological establishment and most metal detectorists didn't help, and by the end of the decade the Index was receiving very little information indeed. In the early 1980s Professor Barry Cunliffe took over responsibility for the Index, and a succession of his research assistants began to catch up with the missing coins. In 1992 Dr Philip de Jersey was funded by Oxford University for a year to test a pilot program of computerization for the Index. This proved to be very successful, and in the following year the Leverhulme Trust generously agreed to fund the computerization project for three years. In 1996 they agreed to extend the funding for a further two years to allow images of the coins to be added to the database. Further funding has been provided by English Heritage (1999–2001) and most recently by the Arts and Humanities Research Board (2002–2004).

Portable Antiquity Scheme (PAS)

The Portable Antiquities Scheme is a DCMS funded project to encourage the voluntary recording of archaeological objects found by members of the public in England and Wales. Every year many thousands of objects are discovered, many of these by metal-detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening or going about their daily work.


Revue archéologique du Centre de la France Online (r.a.c.f): Brigitte Fischer, Note sur les trouvailles monétaires de Beaumanoir

La Revue archéologique du Centre de la France est l’une des six revues archéologiques interrégionales qui couvrent le territoire métropolitain ; son ressort géographique concerne les régions Auvergne, Centre et Île-de-France, ainsi que le département de la Loire (région Rhône-Alpes). Elle couvre l’archéologie de toutes les périodes, depuis la Préhistoire la plus ancienne jusqu’à l’archéologie industrielle et des Temps Modernes, la majorité des contributions portant sur la Protohistoire, la période gallo-romaine et le Moyen Âge.

Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP): Les monnaies d’imitation dans la Gaule du Bas-Empire

L’Inrap a été créé en 2002 en application de la loi sur l’archéologie préventive. L’institut assure la détection et l’étude du patrimoine archéologique touché par les travaux d’aménagement du territoire. Il exploite et diffuse l’information auprès de la communauté scientifique et concourt à l’enseignement, la diffusion culturelle et la valorisation de l’archéologie auprès du public. Sa création traduit l’importance prise, depuis les années 1970, par la recherche archéologique en France et témoigne de la volonté de l’État de soutenir l’exercice de cette mission de service public d’intérêt général.


National Numismatic Collection (NCC)

2013 musste das Geldmuseum wegen mangelnder Finanzierung schliessen. Die verwalteteten Sammlungen, die zum grossen Teil staatlichen Parteien gehörten, gingen an "De Nederlandsche Bank NV (DNB)" über. Die verschiedenen Sammlungen wurden in die "National Numismatic Collection" zusammengeführt und bildet mit 350'000 Objekte die umfangreichste numismatische Sammlung der Niederlande.


Fundmünzen der Römischen Zeit in Österreich (dFMRÖ)

Die Datenbank dFMRÖ stellt eine Ergänzung zu dem seit 1971 an der Numismatischen Kommission bestehenden Projekt FMRÖ dar. Gemeinsamer Zweck ist es, die Daten von Fundmünzen frei verfügbar zu machen, da sie die Grundlage für jede weitere Forschung bilden. Begleitend zu den bisher erschienenen gedruckten Bänden werden an dieser Stelle die numismatischen Grunddaten ausgewählter Bestände verfügbar gemacht.


Numismatisches Institut Stockholm

The databases cover coin finds among other things. With the help of the databases, it is possible to make distribution maps covering coin finds from different periods or different areas. A number of maps of this kind will be available one by one on this website. Analysis of how the coin circulation, mainly based on the hoards, changed over time from A.D. to the end of the 18th c. have been published in our annual report. To date they cover 11 provinces. The map below shows the provinces covered so far and the year of the annual report where the analysis has been published.

United States of America

Online Coins of the Roman Empire

Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE), a joint project of the American Numismatic Society and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, at New York University is creating a revolutionary new tool designed to help in the identification, cataloguing, and research of the rich and varied coinage of the Roman Empire. The project will ultimately record every published type of Roman Imperial Coinage from Augustus in 31 BC, until the death of Zeno in AD 491. This will create an easy to use digital corpus, with downloadable catalogue entries, incorporating almost 50,000 types of coins.